A weekend of cracking coaching

We have had a superb weekend of barbershop coaching from the dynamic, delightful & super-duper duo Nancy Kelsall & Sandra Lea-Riley.

Having only been back on the risers for 1 week and having not experienced any form of coaching for 2 whole years we were fully prepared to feel a little overwhelmed and maybe even a little unsure but oh, how we were wrong! We were a wall of energy, sound and enthusiasm.
Barbershop Coaching Barbershop Coaching
Barbershop Coaching Barbershop Coaching

Every single member was eager to learn and to grow. Nancy, Sandra and our brilliant Director, Valerie, were the most perfect match and we had a jam packed, fun-filled, wonderful weekend. It was also so lovely to be able to spend some time together too, getting to know each other again and remember just how fabulous Team VDC are. We can't wait for the next one!

Nancy, Sandra and our brilliant Director, Valerie
Nancy, Sandra and our brilliant Director, Valerie