Going for gold

Vocal Dimension Chorus, an a-cappella harmony group, are 'going for gold' in an international singing competition in Las Vegas!

As the UK's 2015 women's barbershop champions (with a score that put us at No. 2 out of 400 worldwide choruses), we have qualified to represent the UK at the 'World Championships' in the USA this October.

So we need your help to bring back the International GOLD MEDAL for the UK - which has never before been achieved! Your funding will enable us to get top-notch extra coaching and costumes that could make all the difference, and get us over the line in that very special first place. The extra coaching will take us to a new level of expertise which we would love to share with other music groups in the UK.

Formed less than seven years ago, we now have 39 members, ranging from their 20's to 70's, and coming from all walks of life. For all of us, joining the chorus has been literally life-changing, giving us wonderful camaraderie and opportunities we never expected. We have fun but work very hard to perfect our art, and love helping our local area around Redhill, Surrey, by taking part in community and charity events.

We perform at big events too - even singing at the top of The Gherkin building in London recently, with the London Gay Men's Chorus, for the NSPCC event, 'Run Up the Gherkin'. We are also hugely proud to be part of the British Army, Royal Navy and RAF's multi-faith 'One Voice' Choir (including the recent single, 'A Path to Peace').

We would be eternally grateful for any help you can give, and offer our 'rewards' as a heart-felt thank you for your kind donations to help us come back with that precious GOLD!

Please see our crowd funding page here

  Going for gold

Please see our crowd funding page here