Rockin' Radio Redhill!

What a great way to spend a wet "summer" afternoon - being interviewed live on Radio Redhill's Sunday Colour Supplement show!
What a great way to spend a wet "summer" afternoon - being interviewed live on Radio Redhill's Sunday Colour Supplement show! A big thank you to Nick Hutchings for featuring us on the show - we really did have a great time and what a thrill it is to be able to share our passion for singing four part harmony, telling listeners just how much fun we have making music together.

Thank you Radio Redhill! For those of you who were listening, we do hope you enjoyed the interview and the snippet of harmony you heard!
Click here to download the full broadcast (7.6Mb MP3 file).

You can read about our first interview on Radio Redhill here.


A big thank you to Nick Hutchings for featuring us on the show
Vocal Dimension Chorus on Radio Redhill