Sounds of Spring Show

There may have been snow on the ground but Spring was certainly in the air at our ‘Sounds of Spring’ concert held in the impressive Redhill Methodist Church.

The event raised money to support the valuable work of the MHA Live at Home Scheme. The charity provides support to older people which enables them to continue living in their own homes. The evening was opened in style by the award winning chorus, Vocal Dimension. Led by director, Valerie Taylor, the 25 strong chorus entertained the audience with an abundance of energy, finesse and amazing sound.

Sounds of Spring Show
Vocal Dimension Chorus singing at the ‘Sounds of Spring’ concert

An array of fantastic entertainment followed: the young, talented musician Anna Blumire played the harp beautifully, there was a brilliant acoustic set from None the Wiser (featuring singer-songwriters Jules Crow and Nicky Blumfield, who is also a member of Vocal Dimension) and a stunning selection of classical duets by Elle Vivo (made up of Vocal Dimension's very own Valerie Taylor and Emma Duguid). You can see a recording of the show on Our Movie page here.

Nicky Blumfield and Jules Crow - None the Wiser Valerie Taylor and Emma Duguid - Elle Vivo

Nicky Blumfield and Jules Crow - None the Wiser

Valerie Taylor and Emma Duguid - Elle Vivo

The evening was bought to a close with more four part harmony from Vocal Dimension, who were delighted to receive a standing ovation from a very appreciative audience. The evening was a complete success, raising over £1000 for the charity! There was an overwhelming response from audience members and all parties involved are very grateful to those who came to support the event.

Sounds of Spring Show
Vocal Dimension Chorus singing at the ‘Sounds of Spring’ concert


Vocal Dimension… a life-enhancing experience!
Stewart Dresner, CEO, Privacy Laws & Business and keen amateur musician